Sunday, July 24, 2022

Vincent in Arles

On 7 May 1889, Vincent took a room at the Café de la Gare on Place Lamartine at a rate of one franc per night. He had recently begun using the Yellow House as a studio. Though Vincent became friendly with the café’s owners, Joseph and Marie Ginoux, it did not stop him from arguing with them over his belief that he was paying too much:
“I’d given a piece of my mind to the said lodging-house keeper, who isn’t a bad man after all, and I’d told him that to get my own back on him for having paid him so much money for nothing, I’d paint his whole filthy old place as a way of getting my money back.” 

Read the complete letter:

Still Life: Bowl with Daisies
May, 1888
Oil on canvas
33.0 x 42.0 cm. 
Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

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