Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 Vincent in Auvers sur Oise

On 27 July, Vincent went into the fields to paint, as he did every day, but this time things ended differently. He attempted to kill himself. He returned to Auberge Ravoux that evening with a gunshot wound to the chest and stumbled toward his room. Mr Ravoux notified a doctor and remained with Vincent until his brother could get there from Paris. Vincent died on 29 July in room five of the hotel with Theo by his side. His body was placed on a bier downstairs in the painters’ room until the burial on 30 July. Artist friends who had come from Paris hung his paintings in the room.

It is uncertain just which painting was the last he worked on or finished but the next two are certainly among the possible candidates.

Wheat Field with Crows
Auvers-sur-Oise: July, 1890

Oil on canvas
50.5 x 103.0 cm. 

Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum 
Field with Wheat Stacks
Auvers-sur-Oise: July, 1890

Oil on canvas
50.0 x 100.0 cm. 

Riehen/Basel, Switzerland: Fondation Beyeler


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