Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Vincent in Arles 


"My dear Vincent,
Thank you very much for your letter, Jo was also very pleased with the one you wrote to her. We were pleased to learn that your journey to St-Rémy went well, and that you feel calmer there than in Arles. All the same, I hope that your stay will only be for a short length of time, for having these mad people as your neighbours can’t be agreeable. What I would like is that we could discover some people somewhere who would take care of you while allowing you your entire freedom. That must be possible to find. If you didn’t fear returning to Paris or its surroundings, I would try to find somewhere like that for you to board.

From a letter by his brother Theo.

Orchard in Blossom with View of Arles

April, 1889
Oil on canvas
72.0 x 92.0 cm. 

Munich: Neue Pinakothek

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