Thursday, August 25, 2022

Vincent in Auvers sur Oise

On his arrival in Auvers-sur-Oise on 20 May 1890, Vincent rented a room on the second floor of Auberge Ravoux in Place de la Mairie. Dr Gachet had advised him to use the village's other inn, Saint-Aubin in Rue de Pontoise, but at six francs a night, Vincent found it too expensive. Arthur Gustave Ravoux and his wife, Adeline Louise Touillet, charged just three and a half francs per night – still more than Vincent had hoped to pay.

The Auberge is still there and you can visit the room Vincent stayed in.

Ears of Wheat
Auvers-sur-Oise: June, 1890 

Oil on canvas
64.5 x 48.5 cm. 

Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum

<i>For this painting, Van Gogh must have stood in the middle of a wheatfield. He 'zoomed in' on the plants with their waving leaves and heavy stalks. The green sea of wheat is interrupted by a blue cornflower in the upper left and the pink bindweed in the lower right.

Van Gogh described this decorative painting to his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin, as follows: “nothing more than ears of wheat, green-blue stalks, long, ribbon-like leaves, under a sheen of green and pink; ears of wheat, yellowing slightly, with an edge made pale pink by the dusty manner of flowering.' The colours were supposed to evoke 'the soft rustle of the ears of grain swaying back and forth in the wind.”</I>

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