Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Vincent in Saint-Rémy

While painting outdoors, Vincent sometimes draws the attention of other residents in the asylum:
“They all come to see when I’m working in the garden, and I can assure you are more discreet and more polite to leave me in peace than, for example, the good citizens of Arles.
It’s possible that I’ll stay here for quite a long time, never have I been so tranquil as here and at the hospital in Arles to be able to paint a little at last. Very near here there are some little grey or blue mountains, with very, very green wheatfields at their foot, and pines.”


Tree Trunks with Ivy

Saint-Rémy: July, 1889

Oil on canvas
73.0 x 92.5 cm.
Otterlo: Kröller-Müller Museum

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