Sunday, May 21, 2023

Erna Rosenstein
(1913 - 2004)

Polish surrealist, visual artist and poet.
Erna Rosenstein was one of the key figures of the Polish avant-garde. Over decades she developed her own autonomous language to rewrite post-war trauma and experiences from the edges of the Holocaust. She also reconfigured the oikos, transforming the private living space into an intimate workshop and an evolving installation. From the 1950s she incorporated waste and remnants, turning everyday objects and furniture into artworks, creating memory holders. Her diverse oeuvre includes paintings, drawings, assemblages, jewellery, artist’s books, and seven volumes of poetry, including Ślad [Trace, 1972]. E. Rosenstein questioned materialism and challenged the status of things in post-war reality. This was also emphasized in her poetic, precise titles, undermining the status of names.

Rosnie (It is growing)
Oil on canvas
48 x 64 cm.
Private collection

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