Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Mitchell exhibits Color in Space (1956) and Hudson River Day Line (1956) in the important group ex­hibition Artists of the New York School: Second Generation at the Jewish Museum, New York.
The essay Mitchell Paints a Picture by Irving Sandler is published in ARTnews magazine, accompanied by photographs of Mitchell in her studio by Rudy Burckhardt.

Ste. Hilaire
Oil on canvas
160 x 226,7 cm
Private Collection

George Went Swimming at Barnes Hole, but It Got Too Cold
Oil on canvas
222,9 x 198,7 cm
Buffalo AKG Art Museum

George is the name of the Mitchell’s standard poodle, who she loved deeply and who died in 1954

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Salomon van Ruysdael (1602 - 1670)   Salomon van Ruysdael was a Dutch Golden Age landscape painter. He was the uncle of Jacob van Ruisdael. ...