Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Emmi Whitehorse
(b. 1957)

Emmi Whitehorse is a Native American painter and printmaker. She was born in Crownpoint, New Mexico and is a member of the Navajo Nation. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico and grew up on the open land northeast of Gallup, New Mexico in a family where only the Navajo Language was spoken.
In 1980, Whitehorse earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in painting from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque (UNM). She earned her master's degree in art in 1982, also from UNM, majoring in printmaking and minoring in art history.
Her work is represented in numerous public collections throughout North America, Europe, Japan, Uzbekistan and Morocco including the Brooklyn Museum of Art, Heard Museum, Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Muscarelle Museum of Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.

Fog Bank
mixed media on paper on canvas
129.54 × 198.12 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington

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