Sunday, December 3, 2023

Jakob Philipp Hackert
(1737 - 1807)

Jacob Philipp Hackert was a landscape painter from Brandenburg, who did most of his work in Italy.
In 1768 Hackert left Paris with his brother Georg, and went to Italy, basing himself mainly in Rome and Naples, where he produced many works for Sir William Hamilton. He travelled all over Italy, gaining a reputation as a talented landscape painter. He became famous everywhere in Europe due to his works for Catherine the Great, the cycle of paintings about Battle of Chesma, and Pope Pius VI.

Veduta di Piedimonte d'Alliffe, del Mattese e del Montemiletto, presa alla Scaffa/sul Voltorno
(a view across the Volturno river towards Alife, Piedimonte Matese)
Oil on canvas
65 x 88 cm
Private collection (sold by Sotheby’s in 2011)

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Salomon van Ruysdael (1602 - 1670)   Salomon van Ruysdael was a Dutch Golden Age landscape painter. He was the uncle of Jacob van Ruisdael. ...