Monday, January 22, 2024

Carlo Grubacs
(1810 - 1870)
Carlo Grubacs was an Italian 19th Century painter who was born in 1810 in Venice. The son of a Merchant Navy captain whose family, originally from Montenegro, had settled in Italy in the second half of the 18th century, he belonged to the Venetian school of 'Vedutista' which had flourished with artists like Canaletto and Francesco Guardi in the 18th century.

Venice, a view of the Rialto Bridge from the South
Oil on Canvas
21.7 x 30.2 cm
Private collection
Sold by Sotheby’s 02 May 2018 • London

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Salomon van Ruysdael (1602 - 1670)   Salomon van Ruysdael was a Dutch Golden Age landscape painter. He was the uncle of Jacob van Ruisdael. ...