Sunday, January 7, 2024

Charles Clément Calderon
(1870 - 1906)

<i>Charles Calderon was born in Paris. He stayed in Paris and went on to study art at the Beaux-Arts Academie under Alexander Cabanel (1823-1889) who was a professor at the École des Beaux-Arts and taught there until his death in 1889. Calderon clearly loved painting views of Venice as the vast majority of his paintings are of this wonderful place. Indeed many of his works were titled, “The Grand Canal of Venice”, but unlike many other artists, he does not seem to repeat his subjects. His style is influenced by that of Felix Ziem. His colours are always bolder and brushwork is always vibrant. </I>

Venice By Sundown
Oil on canvas
46,5 x 65 cm
Private collection
Sold by Sothebys, Paris, June 2017

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