Friday, April 5, 2024

Jan Brueghel the Elder
(1568 - 1625)

Jan Brueghel (also Bruegel or Breughel) the Elder was a Flemish painter and draughtsman. He was the son of the eminent Flemish Renaissance painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder. A close friend and frequent collaborator with Peter Paul Rubens, the two artists were the leading Flemish painters in the first three decades of the 17th century.

Extensive Landscape With Travellers on a Country Road
C. 1608 - 1610
oil on copper
33.6 x 46.4 cm
SLAM - Saint Louis Art Museum

From an elevated viewpoint we see the city of Antwerp at the distant right, a covered wagon in the middle distance, and a marshy stream in the right foreground. The scene is filled with fauna and flora, all finished in the painstaking detail for which Jan Brueghel the Elder is known. The road at left draws us into the painting, while bands of varying greens open up the distant landscape to suggest expansive space. Travelers journey on the left while hunters stalk herons in the marshy grasses at the right. The standing dog on the lower left appears to have a second head, indicating that the artist changed its position.

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