Saturday, May 4, 2024

Childe Hassam
(1859 - 1935)
Frederick Childe Hassam was an American Impressionist painter, noted for his urban and coastal scenes. Along with Mary Cassatt and John Henry Twachtman, Hassam was instrumental in promulgating Impressionism to American collectors, dealers, and museums. He produced over 3,000 paintings, oils, watercolors, etchings, and lithographs over the course of his career, and was an influential American artist of the early 20th century.

At the Florist
93 x 137,5 cm
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, U.S.
Hassam was one of a group of American painters who travelled to Paris to learn the new Impressionist style firsthand. This picture was the last he painted in France before returning home to the States.

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