Saturday, August 31, 2024

We ended July with The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
There is no self portrait known and only one portrait drawing by Francesco Melzi, pupil of da Vinci. So I’ll post that one.

Francesco Melzi
(1491 - 1567)

Francesco Melzi, or Francesco de Melzi (1491–1567), was an Italian painter born into a family of the Milanese nobility in Lombardy. He became a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci and remained as his closest professional assistant throughout his career. After da Vinci's death he became the literary executor of all da Vinci's papers, editing them into a manuscript on painting he published as Trattato della Pittura [Treatise on Painting] or a compilation entitled the Codex Urbinas.

Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
circa 1515–1517
27.5 x     19 cm
The Royal Collection of the British royal family

Mona Lisa (Gioconda)
Posted on July 31st

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Adrien Louis Demont  (1851–1828)   Adrien Louis Demont was a French landscape painter; associated with the artists' colony at Wissant.  ...