Sunday, December 8, 2024

Andrew Cranston
(b. 1969)

Andrew Cranston  is a Scottish painter. His work has been reviewed and discussed in various publications such as The Guardian and The Spectator.

Andrew Cranston is a painter-storyteller, a way of working that is enhanced by his often painting on the linen bound covers of old books. His stories coalesce in the process of making - the paintings emerging gradually through the manipulation of his materials: layering, lacquering, bleaching, collaging and constantly re- working his way into images that seem to shift backwards and forwards in time. He has described one of his works as ‘a painting that came out of my brush one day’, a statement that sums up his approach. They are resolutely contemporary in spirit and yet connected by a strong thread to painters of the past, especially perhaps to the intimism of Vuillard and Bonnard, or to Matisse or Munch.

Those who hide well, live well,
Distemper on linen
210.4 x 150.6 cm
National Galleries of Scotland

In Those who hide well, live well, Cranston paints the view of a woodland from an interior setting inspired by the top-floor flat in Glasgow that he moved into during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The title is a translation from a Latin quote by Cicero, which Cranston felt captured his appreciation of the intimate aspects of the forced isolation during this period. For more information on the painting, please visit the link below.

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Adrien Louis Demont  (1851–1828)   Adrien Louis Demont was a French landscape painter; associated with the artists' colony at Wissant.  ...