Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Vittore Grubicy de Dragon
(1851 - 1920)

Vittore Grubicy de Dragon was an Italian painter, art critic and art gallery owner who was largely responsible for introducing into Italian painting the optical theories of Divisionism. His writings and paintings influenced a generation of late 19th-century Italian painters. In addition, the Grubicy Gallery became one of the first art enterprises to be run on the concept of exhibiting living artists that were represented as clients of the gallery.


Winter Poem (x8)
One of the polyptych "Winter in the Mountains", 1911
1894 - 1911
Oil on canvas
97.5 x 58 cm.
Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Milano

In the early 1890s, Grubicy began planning a polyptych of sixteen panels under the title of Winter in Miazzina. The work took shape as an interchangeable sequence of paintings that reflected his emotional experiences over the long winters at Miazzina on the shore of Lake Maggiore. Each canvas was subjected to continued revisions by Grubicy over many years, depending upon his mood and his interests. Finally, in 1911, the polyptych assumed its final form in an arrangement of only eight paintings that he called Winter in the Mountains. In spite of all his work to create it, he did not exhibit it during his lifetime. It was first shown together at the Rome Biennale in 1921, the year after his death. After that the assemblage did not remain as a polyptych, and the individual paintings were sold to different collectors and museums. Grubicy took a photograph of the polyptych as he intended it to be seen, and based upon that image the work has been reassembled for several exhibitions since his death, most recently at the Kunsthaus Zürich in 2009.

Vittore Grubicy de Dragon’s Winter Poem set up according to his design at the GAM in Milan

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Adrien Louis Demont  (1851–1828)   Adrien Louis Demont was a French landscape painter; associated with the artists' colony at Wissant.  ...