Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Vincent in Paris
(Spring 1887)

Vincent van Gogh painted A Woman Walking in a Garden in 1887. The painting is aptly named as it depicts a woman walking through a garden, surrounded by greenery and hints of red and yellow flowers. Unfortunately we can find no clue as to who the woman is. Van Gogh’s letters usually provide many clues however, there are not many letters from Van Gogh in 1887 as he lived in Paris with Theo, and Theo was the recipient of the majority of Van Gogh letters that are on record today. The woman in the painting is a mystery.

A Woman Walking in a Garden
June - July 1887
Oil on canvas
51 x 62,5 cm
Private collection
On June 20, 2005 the painting was sold at a Sotheby’s sale in London and is now held in a private collection.

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Adrien Louis Demont  (1851–1828)   Adrien Louis Demont was a French landscape painter; associated with the artists' colony at Wissant.  ...